Drug and alcohol detox is an essential early step in the recovery process and the information provided by the experienced and empathetic staff at LiveVSDrugs can help you or a loved one start on the path to a sober lifestyle. We have provided listings below that can be helpful throughout the state of Massachusetts.
Detox / Address | Codes and URLs |
McLean Hospital
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment 115 Mill Street Belmont, MA 02478 (617) 855-2242 SA / TX DT DM HH / HI RS OP PH / WN MN / SF MC PI www.mcleanhospital.org |
Boston Public Health
Commission Addiction Services/Acupuncture Clinic 723 Massachusetts
Avenue Boston, MA 02118 (617) 534-5352 SA / DT / OP / PW / MD MC SI PI / AH SP www.bphc.org |
CAB Boston Treatment
Center 784 Rear
Massachusetts Avenue Boston, MA 02118 (617) 247-1001 SA / DT DM / RS / WN / SF MD SI PI MI / SS / SP www.cabhealth.org |
Dimock Community
Health Center Alcohol and Drug Detoxification Prog 41 Dimock Street Boston, MA 02119 (617) 442-8800x1312 SA / TX DT DM HH / RS OP / WN MN / SF MD MC SI PI / PA / SP F19 F28 F67 www.dimock.org |
Habit Management 99 Topeka Street Boston, MA 02118 (617) 442-1499 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / PW / SF MC SI PI / SP www.habitmanagement.com |
Addiction Treatment
Center of New England 77 Warren Street Methadone Clients
OnlyBrighton, MA 02135 (617) 254-1271 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / HV PW WN / SF MD SI PI / SS / AH SP |
Saint Elizabeths
Comprehensive Addiction Program 736 Cambridge Street Brighton, MA 02135 (617) 789-2574 SA / TX DT / HI OP PH / CO SE WN MN / SF MD MC PI MI / SS / AH F42 www.caritas-semc.org |
Brockton Addiction
Treatment Center 940 Belmont Street
Building 60 Brockton, MA 02301 Hotline: (800) 327-5050(508) 584-9210 SA / TX DT / RS PH / HV PW WN MN / SF MD SI PI / SS / F67 www.hptc.org |
Community Substance
Abuse Centers 175 Crescent Avenue Methadone Clients
OnlyChelsea, MA 02150 (617) 889-8779 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / HV WN MN / SF MD PI / SP www.csacmethadone.com |
Community Healthcare
Inc Community Substance Abuse Centers 628 Center Street Methadone Clients
OnlyChicopee, MA 01013 (413) 746-0051x131 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / SF MD PI / SP www.csacmethadone.com |
CAB Health and
Recovery Services Inc Residential Adolescent
Program 111 Middleton Road Danvers, MA 01923 (978) 774-2121x658 SA / TX DT MM HH / HI OP / HV / SF MD PI MI / PA www.cabhrs.org |
Habit Management 3086 Cranberry
Highway Methadone Clients
OnlyEast Wareham, MA 02538 (508) 295-7990 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / PW WN MN / SF MD PI www.habitmanagement.com |
Habit Management 22 Front Street Methadone Clients
OnlyFall River, MA 02721 (508) 676-1307x101 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO HV PW WN MN / SF MD PI / SS / F67 www.habitmanagement.com |
Saint Annes Hospital
Lifeline/Methadone Services 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 235-5010 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO WN / SF MD MC PI / SS PA / AH SP F67 www.saintanneshospital.com |
Stanley Street
Treatment and Resources Alcoholism/Drug Detox
Program 386 Stanley Street Fall River, MA 02720 (508) 324-7763x3281 SA / DT DM / RS / CO HV PW / SF MD PI MI / AH SP F67 www.sstar.org |
Stanley Street
Treatment and Resources Womens Rehabilitation
Program/Sect 35 386 Stanley Street Fall River, MA 02720 (508) 324-7763x3281 SA / TX DT DM / RS / CO PW WN CJ / MD PI MI / AH SP F67 www.sstar.org |
Gosnold Treatment
Center 200 Ter Heun Drive Falmouth, MA 02541 (508) 540-6550 SA / TX DT / RS / SF MD SI PI MI / AH www.gosnold.org |
Habit Management 155 Airport Road Methadone Clients
OnlyFitchburg, MA 01420 (978) 343-6300x127 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / WN MN / SF MD PI / SP www.habitmanagement.com |
Caritas Good
Samaritan Hospital Norcap Lodge 71 Walnut Street Foxboro, MA 02035 (508) 698-1122 SA / TX DT / HI OP PH / CO MN / SF MD MC PI / SS / AH www.caritasgoodsam.org |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc 214 Howard Street Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 875-5801 SA / TX DT MM / OP / DU / SF MD MC SI PI / SS / AH www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |
Community Healthcare
Inc Community Substance Abuse Centers 177 Shelburne Road Methadone Clients
OnlyGreenfield, MA 01301 (413) 774-3321 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / SF MD PI www.csacmethadone.com |
Providence Behavioral
Health Hospital Substance Abuse and Pathways
Program 1223 Main Street Holyoke, MA 01040 (413) 788-7366 SA / TX DT MM DM / HI OP / AD DU CJ / SF MD MC SI PI MI / SS PA / AH SP www.mercycares.com |
Adcare Hospital of
Worcester Inc 107 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01605 Hotline: (800) 252-6465x4300(508) 799-9000x3039 SA / TX DT DM / HI RS OP PH / CO SE WN MN / SF MC PI MI www.adcare.com |
Community Healthlink
Inc Detoxification Program 68 Jacques Avenue Worcester, MA 01610 (508) 860-1200 SA / DT DM / RS / CO WN / SF MD SI PI / SP F67 www.communityhealthlink.org |
Saint Annes Hospital
Lifeline/Methadone Services 795 Middle Street
Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 235-5010 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO WN / SF MD MC PI / SS PA / AH SP F67 www.saintanneshospital.com |
Stanley Street
Treatment and Resources Alcoholism/Drug Detox
Program 386 Stanley Street
Fall River, MA 02720 (508) 324-7763x3281 SA / DT DM / RS / CO HV PW / SF MD PI MI / AH SP F67 www.sstar.org |
Stanley Street
Treatment and Resources Womens Rehabilitation
Program/Sect 35 386 Stanley Street
Fall River, MA 02720 (508) 324-7763x3281 SA / TX DT DM / RS / CO PW WN CJ / MD PI MI / AH SP F67 www.sstar.org |
Gosnold Treatment
Center 200 Ter Heun Drive
Falmouth, MA 02541 (508) 540-6550 SA / TX DT / RS / SF MD SI PI MI / AH www.gosnold.org |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc Outpatient Services 585 Lincoln Street Methadone Clients
OnlyWorcester, MA 01605 (508) 854-3320 SA / TX DT MM / OP / PW DU / SF MD MC SI PI / SS / AH SP www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |
Detox / Address | Codes and URLs |
Habit Management 155 Airport Road Methadone Clients
OnlyFitchburg, MA 01420 (978) 343-6300x127 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / WN MN / SF MD PI / SP www.habitmanagement.com |
Caritas Good
Samaritan Hospital Norcap Lodge 71 Walnut Street Foxboro, MA 02035 (508) 698-1122 SA / TX DT / HI OP PH / CO MN / SF MD MC PI / SS / AH www.caritasgoodsam.org |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc 214 Howard Street Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 875-5801 SA / TX DT MM / OP / DU / SF MD MC SI PI / SS / AH www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |
Community Healthcare
Inc Community Substance Abuse Centers 177 Shelburne Road Methadone Clients
OnlyGreenfield, MA 01301 (413) 774-3321 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / SF MD PI www.csacmethadone.com |
Providence Behavioral
Health Hospital Substance Abuse and Pathways
Program 1223 Main Street Holyoke, MA 01040 (413) 788-7366 SA / TX DT MM DM / HI OP / AD DU CJ / SF MD MC SI PI MI / SS PA / AH SP www.mercycares.com |
Sisters of Providence
Hopsital Methadone Maintenance Program 1233 Main Street Holyoke, MA 01040 (413) 493-2741 SA / TX DT MM DM / HI OP / AD CO HV DU / SF MD MC SI PI MI / AH SP |
Faulkner Hospital
Addiction Recovery Program 1153 Centre Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 983-7711 SA / TX DT / HI OP PH / CO / SF MD MC PI / AH www.faulknerhospital.org |
Habit Management 599 Canal Street Methadone Clients
OnlyLawrence, MA 01841 (978) 687-6300 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO WN MN / SF MD PI / SP F88 www.habitmanagement.com |
Habit Management 650 Suffolk Street Methadone Clients
OnlyLowell, MA 01854 (978) 452-5155 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO PW WN MN / SF MD MC PI / SS / AH SP F44 F67 F92 www.habitmanagement.com |
Habit Management 11 Circle Avenue Methadone Clients
OnlyLynn, MA 01905 (781) 595-2413x106 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / PW WN / SF MD SI PI / SS / SP www.habitmanagement.com |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc Spectrum Outpatient Services 200 East Main Street Milford, MA 01757 (508) 634-1877 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / DU / SF MD MC SI PI / SS www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |
Community Substance
Abuse Centers High Point Treatment Center 10 Kilburn Street Methadone Clients
OnlyNew Bedford, MA 02740 (508) 979-1122 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO PW / SF MD / SP F67 www.csacmethadone.com |
Seven Hills
Behavioral Health Inc. Methadone Services 26-30 32R Gifford
Street New Bedford, MA 02741 (508) 999-3126x222 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / CO PW WN / SF MD MC SI PI / SS / SP F67 |
Community Healthcare
Inc Community Substance Abuse Centers 297 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 584-2404 SA / TX DT / OP / SF MD PI / SP www.csacmethadone.com |
Berkshire Medical
Center/Hillcrest Campus Thomas W McGee Unit 165 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 Hotlines: (413) 442-1400 (413) 499-0412(413) 442-1400x9137 SA / TX DT / HI / CO WN / SF MD MC SI PI / PA / AH www.berkshirehealthsystems.com |
High Point Treatment
Center Inc Detoxification Program 1233 State Road Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 224-7701 SA / TX DT DM / HI RS PH / CO HV WN MN / SF MD PI / SS / AH www.hptc.org |
Bay Cove Human
Services Bridge to Recovery Detoxification Long Island Health
Campus Administration Building Quincy, MA 02169 (617) 471-9600x2438 SA / DT / RS / CO WN / SF MC PI / SS www.baycove.org |
Habit Management 20 Forsyth Avenue Methadone Clients
OnlySouth Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-5155 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / PW / SF MD PI www.habitmanagement.com |
Baystate Medical
Center ADSCarlson Recovery Center 471 Chestnut Street Springfield, MA 01199 (413) 794-3971 SA / DT / HI / CO / SF MD MC PI MI / PA / AH SP F17 F28 F30 F47 F66 F67 F70 F92 www.baystatehealth.com |
Habit Management 2257 Main Street Methadone Clients
OnlySpringfield, MA 01107 (413) 733-3488 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / HV PW WN MN / SF MD SI PI / SS / AH SP F47 www.habitmanagement.com |
Sisters of Providence
Hospital Methadone Maintenance Program 227 Mill Street Springfield, MA 01108 (413) 781-1926 SA / TX DT MM DM / HI OP / AD CO HV DU / SF MD MC SI PI MI / AH SP www.mercycares.com |
Lowell Community
Health Center Inc Behavioral Health Services
Inpatient Tewksbury Hospital
365 East Street Dietary Rehab Bldg Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 858-0533 SA / DT MM DM / RS / WN MN / SF MD PI / SS PA / AH SP F19 F44 F67 www.lchealth.org |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc Primary Care 154 Oak Street Methadone Clients
OnlyWestborough, MA 01581 (508) 898-1570x2298 SA / DT DM / RS / CO PW WN MN CJ / SF MD SI PI MI / PA / AH SP F67 www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |
Community Healthcare
Inc Community Substance Abuse Centers 125 North Elm Street Methadone Clients
OnlyWestfield, MA 01085 (413) 568-6600 SA / TX DT MM DM / OP / SF MD PI www.csacmethadone.com |
Adcare Hospital of
Worcester Inc 107 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01605 Hotline: (800) 252-6465x4300(508) 799-9000x3039 SA / TX DT DM / HI RS OP PH / CO SE WN MN / SF MC PI MI www.adcare.com |
Community Healthlink
Inc Detoxification Program 68 Jacques Avenue Worcester, MA 01610 (508) 860-1200 SA / DT DM / RS / CO WN / SF MD SI PI / SP F67 www.communityhealthlink.org |
Spectrum Health
Systems Inc Outpatient Services 585 Lincoln Street Methadone Clients
OnlyWorcester, MA 01605 (508) 854-3320 SA / TX DT MM / OP / PW DU / SF MD MC SI PI / SS / AH SP www.spectrumhealthsystems.org |